small and not quite perfectly formed…

…but it works for me! My little escape in the garden, it looks lovely at this time of year. Slightly less appealing in the middle of the winter, I need to implement plans for insulation and heating.


Finding the time to paint is always the biggest issue, but this Covid-19 lock down has removed all the school runs, the children’s clubs, the weekly shop, the commute to work, as well as any semblance of social life so I am finding days and evenings are gloriously unstructured. Generally I am a night owl, craving nothing more than a long morning lie in but this whole situation has played havoc with my brain, so where normally I resent HAVING to get out of bed, I find that if I am given free choice I actually WANT to get up and about. So it transpires it’s not the getting up I hate, it’s all the rest of the stuff I have to do once I am up that is the problem! I didn’t know this about myself. What a way to learn.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have shed loads to do once I am up, but the time restraints are loosened. So I am still putting in a full days work and more, trying to keep the company going, but I can get a few hours in first thing, then potter in the veg patch if the sun is shining (I am firmly in the fairweather-gardener-camp), then do a few more hours at the laptop, then get into my studio. Interspersed with meals, and homeschooling, and bickering children and walking the dogs and so on and so on, but the time freed up by not leaving the house seems to have given me those extra hours in the day that we have all spent years saying we need.

Silver linings and all that….


sky arts : portrait artist of the week